POP has 4 applications to cater above jobs. 本公司提供以下4 種方案處理有關問題
1. CRS (SB-200) Common Reporting System for GSB SYSTEM. (加入GSB並收集申報用資料)
2. CRSUPLOAD (SB-201) Upload data for CRS (將申報資料轉換成上載用文件)
3. FATCAUP-PRO (SB-202) Upload data for FATCA (將申報資料轉換成上載用文件)
4. FATCAUP (SB-203) – Upload 8966 Report with Nil to report ((聲明沒有可申報資料之文件)
How to select ? 究竟如何選擇好 ?
GSB user, select item 1 ,2, 3 and 4 如果貴公司已經有 GSB, 應該配用 1, 包括2,3,或 4 項.
Item 1 is an add-on on GSB to collect client’s data from daily transactions.
(Only when you install this version, data for report will be collected)
Otherwise, you have to manually add data based on monthly statements.
If you have few record to fill, you may consider to use item 2, 3, 4 only.
Item 2 is for CRSUPLOAD
Item 3 is for Upload FATCA 8966
Item 4.is for Upload FATCA 8966 with Nil to report.
Item 2,3, 4 可以配合”非POP系統”使用 (依照POP 之規格準備資料)
Note: user must apply eCert by themself.
稅局的說明 (用語音,可以收聽) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIL_hMx2iv0
申報前要向稅局登記 https://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/tax/aeoi/portal.htm
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